Meloni quotes Garibaldi: “Here you either make Italy or you die. The regional ones in Lombardy are important for government”

Meloni quotes Garibaldi: "Here you either make Italy or you die. The regional ones in Lombardy are important for government"


“Here you make Italy or you die…”. Giorgia Meloni connects via video with the FdI demonstration in Milan in view of the next regional ones and quotes Giuseppe Garibaldi about the current historical moment.

The prime minister underlines that we must not “fear unpopular choices”. There will be “difficult moments, but “at the end of this period Italy will be better than how we found it”, assures the prime minister. “In 5 years we will see data on the economy and the birth rate”, she added. “We have to go back to be masters of our destiny”, also on energy. “We answer only to the people”. And again: “The time for legality has come”.

“I want to thank all those present, the ruling class of the party. – continues Meloni – Our adventure has just begun, the response of Lombardy is very important”. So Meloni at the Milanese event “Ready, candidates to go”. “It is an opportunity to demonstrate how to get better: we can go back to having the same vision in Lombardy as in the government”.

Speaking of the economic situation, “the spread is at 182, the Stock Exchange did more than well, the difference is seriousness, the determination of this government that has no bosses and we don’t have to thank anyone, we only answer to the Italian people, without necessary compromises, without slowness with speed, with an underlying vision. Our priority is growth”.

As for reforms, “presidentialism remains our priority, it is a commitment we want to keep. We want to talk to everyone but we want to honor that mandate”.

“There isn’t a day and there isn’t an hour when we don’t put all of ourselves into this commitment: we will do what needs to be done, with courage and determination, what is right in conscience. I’m interested in knowing the economic data, the birth rate , of productivity in 5 years”. So Melons. “I hope and I am sure that we will have these five years, despite the opposition and not only”.


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