Meloni prefers Rocca to Rampelli in Lazio: the Colle Oppio current scrapped

Meloni prefers Rocca to Rampelli in Lazio: the Colle Oppio current scrapped


Whether all this will lead to the birth of the first current within the relative majority party is not known. Certainly the choice of Giorgia Meloni to nominate the president of the Red Cross (Italian and world) in her Lazio region Francesco Roccaand not his former mentor Fabio Rampelli, is a fact that does not go unnoticed. The leader of the Brothers of Italy closes the accounts with the mystique of Colle Oppio, the Roman section where she was trained, amidst horn chants and magic rings, under the guidance of the current vice president of the Chamber. The great excluded. This was the case for the municipal councils (when Enrico Carneade Michetti was preferred to them) and when there was a need to form a government. Now, the trio for the Lazio regional teams. Nothing personal?

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