Meloni is looking for shores from the Colle. Mattarella’s fears: “No tears with the EU”

Meloni is looking for shores from the Colle.  Mattarella's fears: "No tears with the EU"


The premier renounces the trip to Udine and goes to lunch at the Quirinale. At the table we talk about the funds of Mes, migrants, seaside resorts and above all Pnrr. She relaunches: “We’re fixing it, but we didn’t write it”

Udine can jump. First come the boulders that Giorgia Meloni it carries with it. Starting from Pnrr. That’s why the prime minister upsets the agenda, she goes up to the Quirinale for a meeting with the head of state that lasts longer than expected. About an hour and a half. She skips the scheduled flight, she avoids taking the state one (“it would have been slippery”) to participate in Massimiliano Fedriga’s rally in Friuli Venezia Giulia. On stage are her deputies, Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini with the future encore governor, but she is not. You connect from Palazzo Chigi. It’s a day punctuated by the exit of Ignazio La Russa on Via Rasella. “It hasn’t been talked about”, they assure Sergio Mattarella from around the world who, as soon as he was elected, for the first time, began his mandate with a visit to the Fosse Ardeatine. “Russia? He was not on the agenda ”, they say embarrassed at Palazzo Chigi.

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