Meloni in the ford of alliances in the EU. Vox wants her, she thinks about it. And she evaluates plan B for 2024

Meloni in the ford of alliances in the EU.  Vox wants her, she thinks about it.  And she evaluates plan B for 2024


Between Olaf and Santiago. And certainly the contingencies do not help her, because just on the eve of the arrival of the necessary friend, the German chancellor, in Rome, her other friend, the trusted one, the head of Vox Abascal, holds rallies against “the green lobbies and the politicians of Germany” who boycott Andalusian strawberries, “violating our sovereignty and favoring Morocco”. But anyway, beyond the unfortunate coincidence, the contradiction is all there. Who is Giorgia Meloni who will welcome Scholz to Palazzo Chigi today? The prime minister of a large European country who cannot ignore alliances with Paris and Berlin or the leader of Eurosceptic sovereignty who wants to push the Franco-German axis and shift the center of gravity of Brussels to the right?

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