Meloni in London against the Tafazzisti: “The markets are with us”. On the Mes treats

Meloni in London against the Tafazzisti: "The markets are with us".  On the Mes treats


Pride melons. As soon as she gets back from London, she takes care of it. Never again a case Def. The parliamentarians who have dual offices (and we mean small local offices) will have to choose. A chair. One. We continue. On Rai, at the beginning of the week, a meeting will be held with Tajani and Salvini, because Rai doesn’t go like this. On the next CDM, May 1, in addition to the economic measures, the appointments of the general commander of the Gdf, of the prefect of Rome, could arrive. On the Mes, the government’s position does not change, but the truth is that Giorgetti, at Ecofin, is negotiating changes to the banking union. And so it’s enough to be defeatist, it’s enough to be “the Tafazzis, because it’s not true that the markets are worried”; “We’ll spend all the Pnrr”, Meloni guaranteed to the men in gray of Goldman Sachs, Lazard, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, who raised their glasses with her, at the Italian embassy. Perhaps this Thursday shame was useful, which left its mark on the face of the Minister for Relations with the Parliament of FdI, Luca Ciriani.

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