Meloni hopes in Scholz for the European Council. But there are several disputed dossiers between Rome and Berlin

Meloni hopes in Scholz for the European Council.  But there are several disputed dossiers between Rome and Berlin


Since with Macron he throws it badly, and having ascertained that, in spite of the ambitions of the propaganda, to blockade with the Visegrad axis they also know at Palazzo Chigi that one goes not far away, all that remains is to curry favor with Olaf Scholz. Socialist, of course, therefore suspect (“He leads a government of the left”, they cut Via della Scrofa short), and yet also pragmatic, the least rigorous, perhaps, of the possible German leaders. “Behind the Recovery plan, after all, he is”, Giorgia Meloni was told by one of her esteemed diplomatic advisors. So, course decided: Berlin, mon amour. If indeed, as it seems, Italy’s priority on the eve of a European Council that promises to be complicated is to obtain concessions on the flexibility of European funds, then we need to guarantee ourselves a half-blessing from Germany. Knowing, however, that the dossiers on which Giorgia Meloni and the German chancellor are at odds are many. And yesterday’s phone call between the two can also be explained in this way.

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