Meloni government, the 5 strong (and weak) points of the new executive –

Meloni government, the 5 strong (and weak) points of the new executive -


from Antonio Polito

Will it make it or will it fail? Will it last or fall at the first corner? Everyone is wondering about the fate of the premier: the reasons for optimism and the reasons for fearing the worst

The TINA factor – For 18 months there will be no alternatives

The government’s greatest strength is called TINA: There is no alternative, as in the motto of Margaret Thatcher. In fact, should someone think of putting him in crisis, at least for the next 18/20 months there is no possibility of replacing him with a technical executive or with broad agreements, according to the usual practice. Pd and M5S have just sworn never to participate again. And in any case it could not be born without and against the relative majority party. So Giorgia Meloni has in her hands a loaded bazooka with which to threaten reprobate and riotous: she can ask for and obtain the sanction of early voting.

The ballot box factor – The drive for victory in the elections

For the first time in eleven years, a leader who won the elections became premier. Of the last six prime ministers, Meloni was even the only member of parliament elected together with Enrico Letta (Monti, Renzi, Conte, Draghi were not). Even in a system like ours, in which majorities are made after the elections, the investiture of the popular vote counts. This is demonstrated by the record speed with which the executive was born immediately after the appointment. People like this, even those who did not vote for the right: the idea that whoever wins can rule. After years of chaos, bipolarity and alternation make sense again.

The D factor (onna) – A revolution, men put to flight

THEThe D factor gives Giorgia Meloni’s government a historical dimension: it has shattered the most resistant glass ceiling in the history of the Republic (the next on the Hill). And she immediately showed how much a woman is worth, putting in line two alpha males like Berlusconi and Salvini, who at the Quirinale looked at her with that face a bit like that expression a bit like we men have when a woman takes us the place. Giorgia Meloni will not be Sanna Marin, premier of Finland, if only because she is on the right; but her still a revolution.

The D factor (raghi) – The predecessors and chestnuts removed from the fire

QA few chestnuts from the fire the old government transition team has already taken it from him. The cap on the cost of gas, for example. Draghi finally convinced Europe. And in spite of those who said that the price cap is useless because the seller who makes the price, the price has already dropped, and by a lot. Of course, the worst is yet to come: the first quarter of the Meloni government will also be the first of a recession. But if the former sovereign has the intelligence to remain attached to Europe, she will be able to better govern the storm. It is likely that Draghi and Cingolani will remain available for some advice during construction.

The Naming Factor – Ministries renamed (on crucial issues)

In seeking new names for old ministries, the new prime minister has perhaps exaggerated. For two major epochal issues, which you have long removed from Italian politics, you have grasped them: the demographic winter and energy independence. For this reason the ministry of the Family has also become that of the Natality. It will take real money to support effective public policies; but at least now there is someone who takes care of it. Energy security, which appeared alongside the Environment, has instead taken the place of the Transition, so dear to Grillo: the primary goal to live. Let’s hope it starts from Piombino.

The unknown allies – The brawling coalition, without balance

The weak point of the Meloni government is the coalition that supports it. Not just quarrelsome, as seen during the negotiations; unpublished, an absolute first, an unknown factor. Since the center-right has existed in Italy, it has always and only gone to government with Berlusconi at the helm. The current one is unprecedented: led by the more right-wing component, and unbalanced because the Brothers of Italy have taken the votes of the other two partners three times. Add to that the convulsions of Forza Italia, destined to grow as Berlusconi’s leadership, like all mortal things, vanishes.

The unknown ministers – The team is not exactly leading

Mind you: it could have been worse. If Meloni hadn’t resisted some diktat. For the list of ministers not really of the highest order. Most of them are professional politicians, as is normal in a political government; but the niet that numerous exponents of the disputes have opposed to the premier’s offers had its weight. This is proved by the fact that eleven out of twenty-four ministers were already part of the Berlusconi government more than ten years ago. The high average age, few women. The only real significant surprise, the return of Alfredo Mantovano, as undersecretary at Palazzo Chigi.

The unknown Treasury – The Economy at the League, risk of conflict

Not that Giancarlo Giorgetti is not capable: it is. Nor that he does not have a marked independence of thought: he does. It is legitimate to ask what to do at the Ministry of Economy when the head of his party, Salvini, asks to keep the onerous spending commitments made with his constituencies. Here comes the recession, but the time for cheap debt is over. Will Giorgetti keep the primary surplus bar steady? Or will he have to widen the cords? The conditions are being created for the usual conflict between the reasons of the Treasury and those of politics: only this time there is a politician at the Treasury.

The unknown opposition – Major reforms, there will be no minorities

It seems a paradox, but one of the causes of a government’s weakness can also be the division of the opposition. Let’s take an example: the Great Reform promised by Giorgia Meloni. In order to establish a bicameral with real powers, a reform of article 138 of the Constitution is needed first of all. But to do so without being exposed to a potentially explosive referendum would require the support of at least a piece of the minority. Do you see them Pd and Cinque Stelle participate in a constitutional revision process with the right? Will Calenda and Renzi have the strength and courage?

The unknown South – The void of ideas for the South and votes for the North

The idea of ​​also calling del Mare, the ministry of the South, although literally evocative, does not hide a vacuum of ideas on what to do in and for the South. The government with northern traction, even in the composition. Meloni herself aimed for the consensus of the North, to win the internal match with Salvini. So that the vote of the South went massively to the opposition (pentastellata), in search of social protection (Citizenship income). With all due respect for Musumeci, who is also a fugitive, it does not seem that the center-right still knows how to reconcile with that half of the country.

October 23, 2022 (change October 23, 2022 | 09:01)


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