Meloni government post elections, the latest news of today 8 October: stalemate for ministers. Read in the square with the CGIL

Meloni government post elections, the latest news of today 8 October: stalemate for ministers.  Read in the square with the CGIL


These are hectic days, with the run-up to the full ministers for the premier in pectore Giorgia Meloni who, yesterday, had to answer to the French Foreign Minister and collected the clear and dry defense of the President of the Republic Mattarella and the President of the Council Dragons. Meanwhile, the CGIL returns to the streets. One year after the assault on the Corso d’Italia headquarters, the union led by Maurizio Landini is preparing for the national demonstration organized for today in Piazza del Popolo in Rome, to remember, and once again reject that “fascist and squadron attack” “of 9 October last, and to relaunch the ten proposals of the CGIL agenda to the next government, from the roof to the bills to the stop to the precariousness of the tax authorities. Enrico Letta will also be in the square, as he announced on Twitter: “With the CGIL in these two days in memory of the anniversary of the neo-fascist assault on the national headquarters”. These are very intense days from a political point of view. The need to set in motion a new government, with important figures also in an international key, is one of the priorities of the center-right. And preparations continue in the Chamber and the Senate for the first session of the two branches of Parliament of the new legislature: it will be on October 13 at 10.

Update hour by hour

11.19 – Offensive writings on the headquarters of the CGIL in the Bolognese area In Budrio. The solidarity of De Maria (Pd) and Bignami (Fdi)
«A year after the attack on the CGIL headquarters in Rome, the Budrio Chamber of Labor was marred by offensive writings. Not an isolated act. The actions directed against the headquarters of the CGIL and the confederal trade unions multiply. My solidarity to the companions of the CGIL of Budrio and of the whole CGIL ». This was said by the deputy of the Democratic Party Andrea De Maria. «I hope that those responsible will be identified. And I repeat what has been said on other occasions. The parliamentary motion, approved after the assault on the national headquarters of the CGIL, which calls for the neofascist organizations to be dissolved, “concluded De Maria. And the condemnation for the offensive writings in Budrio also comes from the Bolognese parliamentarian and coordinator of Brothers of Italy, Galeazzo Bignami, and the coordinator of Fdi di Budrio, Gianfrancesco Pasquale. ‘Italy we also wish to express solidarity with the trade union, object of repeated attacks in the last period ».

10.50 – Fratoianni, immediately alternative to the right
“A season of clear opposition is opening up for us, in Parliament and in the country. An opposition that will also be social, and that must be nurtured. This will be the task of our parliamentary groups. And we launch a challenge: we will immediately present a proposal for a proportional electoral law with preferences: in this way we will see who among the many critics of the Rosatellum is willing to change for real ». This was stated by Nicola Fratoianni national secretary of the Italian Left. «For us it is the best result of the last 15 years, even higher than that of Sel in 2013. In the Chamber we are at 3.65%, there is a small increase. But the thing that satisfies me most is the youth vote – continues the exponent of the Green Left Alliance -: in the range between 18 and 24 we are at 10.6%, between 18 and 34 at 7%, a very encouraging figure , in which to invest. which demonstrates how our proposal has crossed the social and environmental radicalism of the youngest. We must immediately begin to build an alternative capable of being competitive with the right already from the regional ones that will be there in a few months. The right does not have a majority in the country. Gathering on the left between us, Pd and M5S? This unprecedented gathering on the left I do not mind at all. – Fratoianni concludes – For years in this country, calling oneself left was considered a fault, today in the battles over work, minimum wages, insecurity and renewables, the more we are the better. We have been alone for a long time. With the M5S there are many elements of affinity, we will work to build convergences in Parliament and in the country. This is what we will do with the Democratic Party ».

10.40 – Read: With the CGIL for the anniversary of the assault on the national headquarters “
“With the CGIL in these two days in memory of the anniversary of the neo-fascist assault on the national headquarters.” So the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta this morning on Twitter
08.57 – Pd: Cuperlo, a leader who does not aim at Palazzo Chigi Conte would have said no to alliance. Now in the streets for negotiations
«The new secretary will have to pay attention only to the Democratic Party. He will not have to imagine the assignment as a launching pad towards Palazzo Chigi. They are not and will no longer be armchairs tied with a rope ». This is “the number one warning” for the Democratic Party Congress, according to Gianni Cuperlo, interviewed by Fatto Quotidiano: “the world has changed, our statute can also be changed”. Speaking of the relationship with the M5s, Cuperlo believes that «in fact, even only tactically, we could try to offer Giuseppe Conte some alliance. I am sure he would have rejected it, because the Movement’s exit strategy was to return to the opposition at any cost. But we would have changed the judgment on our electoral campaign ». And on the demonstration to ask for negotiations for Ukraine, the PD exponent observes: “We have sinned of excessive prudence, imagined that the needs of government, of unity of the Western camp, should have the better of the obligation to mobilize to indicate a way exit to this war ”and“ the only non-catastrophic way is to open peace negotiations ”.


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