Meloni and Scholz, difficult understanding. The premier pursued by the Delmastro case: “We need a signal”

Meloni and Scholz, difficult understanding.  The premier pursued by the Delmastro case: "We need a signal"


The premier does not know how to get out of the Cospito case. You know that the Quirinale is also waiting for a move to close the matter. And with the chancellor, starting with state aid, there is still a deep division

Berlin, from our correspondent. Challenge the German rigour, Giorgia Meloni. With the cold that sweeps the entrance to the chancellery has the upper hand. Olaf Scholz welcomes her wrapped up inside a big coat complete with a scarf. She doesn’t: trousers and jacket. March, photo, anthem, before the bilateral. The other penalty is a different matter, the one on the sovereign wealth fund that Germany is not willing to concede. Maximum flexibility on Pnrr funds. German journalists bring up an old interview of the premier allergic to Germany. She slips off saying that she meant the language to be studied in school. Then nothing, here too Andrea Delmastro appears. A shadow that spreads up to the Quirinale.

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