Meloni and Giambruno alla Scala overturn the cliché of traditional roles

Meloni and Giambruno alla Scala overturn the cliché of traditional roles


Yes, he was there too, in a tuxedo. And no, hardly anyone has seen it since he always remained two steps behind his partner, like Prince Philip with Queen Elizabeth, in fact he didn’t even follow her on the red carpet. Among the three thousand photos of the evening on the Ansa, there are a total of three of her. We are talking, of course, about Andrea Giambruno, partner Giorgia Meloni, the other night at La Scala for the double debut, of Boris Godunov and Giorgia on a pastoral visit to the theater (“it’s my first time”, she chirped. But in Sant’Ambroeus? At Scala? At the opera tout court? I don’t know). And here, frankly, everything fits less and less.

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