Meloni aiming for the center? And Salvini returns to look for spaces on the right

Meloni aiming for the center?  And Salvini returns to look for spaces on the right


The prime minister has too much advantage in the run-up to take over the Cav.’s inheritance, and the Northern League leader is convinced that the turnaround could harm the FdI boss. That’s why he stays at the window and gets ready to wear it down. The topic of European alliances. Those conversations between Salvini and Berlusconi on Putin and the war

The bet now is on stasis. Which, for a hyperkinetic like Matteo Salvini, must be a pretty good spiritual exercise. And yet, all the way to find consensus. Therefore: “Stand still”. This is what the chief recommends to his colonels who question him on what to do. Stand still hoping that, in the general breakdown and recomposition of the balance, in the chaos that the passing of Cav. will be able to trigger, this immobilism will lead the League, by a kind of relative motion, to find new spaces. Someone, in Via Bellerio, even goes so far as to call them “prairies”. In short, the doubt exists: whether it really makes sense, that is, to chase Giorgia Meloni in her pursuit of Berlusconi’s legacy or whether it would rather be better to let her go and then profit from the landslides that her turn to the right will produce.

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