Mayors in the field for same-parent couples

Mayors in the field for same-parent couples


«The daily experience of local administrations shows that there are questions of protection to which it is not possible to give an adequate answer. The family life of LGBT+ persons is, in the current regulatory framework, not yet fully recognized, generating unequal treatment within the framework of the European Union. For this reason we consider it essential to fight any discrimination and fully guarantee the rights of the children of same-parent couples, and we strongly feel the need for common actions that we want to share with Mayors of all political orientations.
The constitutional principles of equality and protection of the dignity of the person must guide the Legislator towards some steps that can no longer be postponed such as:
– the identification of the sons and daughters of same-parent couples;
-egalitarian marriage with the consequent access to adoptions as provided for heterosexual couples.
We are ready to discuss this with Parliament and the Government. We therefore ask for an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.
While awaiting a law, we Mayors reiterate our willingness to act collectively in the exclusive interest of minors, proceeding with the complete transcription of birth certificates established abroad with two mothers, not attributable to a gestation for others, clearly excluded by law . On the transcripts we believe, in fact, that the orientation of the jurisprudence is already very clear in Italy and in Europe.
In the next few hours, the Mayor of Milan Beppe Sala will be in Brussels where he will represent our positions.
We will be in Turin on May 12 to reaffirm our common positions».
(The Mayors of Rome Roberto Gualtieri, of Milan Beppe Sala, by Naples Gaetano Manfredi, by Turin Stephen Lo RussoOf Bologna Matteo Lepore, of Florence Dario Nardella, of Bari Anthony Decaro).


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