Matteo Renzi announces Andrea Ruggieri as responsible Reformist director

Matteo Renzi announces Andrea Ruggieri as responsible Reformist director


While the clash over the future of the single party is taking place between Italia viva and Action, Matthew Renzi find the time to talk about something else and think about his future as director. A few minutes before the start of the political committee convened by Charles Calenda to decide the constitution or definitive abandonment of the idea of ​​the Third Pole, the leader of IV and new director of the newspaper il Reformist on his Enews he announces: “The director in charge who will support me in this adventure will be Andrea Ruggieriprofessional journalist, already engaged in Parliament with Forza Italia in the last legislature”.

Renzi has therefore chosen the former blue and nephew of Bruno Vespa to support him in the leadership of the newspaper. With him, he says, “we are building a good editorial team and sharing many fascinating ideas. We will talk about it soon. We will be on the newsstands with ‘our’ Reformist from 3 May: for now the work of the excellent one continues Piero Sansonetti who in a few days will take the lead of the Unit“.

Renzi, who is not a journalist, will be editorial director, while the former parliamentarian Ruggieri will be the director in charge and as such will answer for any lawsuits.


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