Mattarella’s lesson and the grim silence of the Democratic Party on Ukraine

Mattarella's lesson and the grim silence of the Democratic Party on Ukraine


The speech of the President of the Republic in Poland is the highest point of a Catholic-democratic tradition, from Andreatta to Letta, which is now increasingly voiceless. Schlein’s Democratic Party was lost for words in explaining his support for Kyiv

Compared to the many distinctions, to the nuanced positions, wrapped up in turns of words, preceded by “if” or followed by “but”, the declarations of Sergio Mattarella in Poland on the war they shone for linearity and clarity. “Support to Ukraine as long as it takes, as long as it takes, in every respect: of military, financial, humanitarian supplies, for the reconstruction of the country”, said the President of the Republic because the Russian aggression “it concerns all countries that claim the freedom of individuals and peoples”. In full agreement with the Polish president Duda, Mattarella recalled that “if Ukraine were left at the mercy of this aggression, others would follow” and said he was “horrified” by the “inhuman behavior used by the Russian Armed Forces”. For this reason, the Head of State recalled, the cohesion of Europe and NATO is fundamental: “The compactness of the Alliance is an important fact, just as it was parallel to the compactness of the European Union which expresses, in every way, support for Ukraine” because both organizations were born “to defend the freedom of individuals and peoples, to defend democracy, to defend the rule of law”.

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