Mattarella’s buffet in the Chambers. The correct reference to the “Bullette decree”

Mattarella's buffet in the Chambers.  The correct reference to the "Bullette decree"


Il Colle has identified rules that are completely inhomogeneous with the purpose of the text, added during the course of the examination in the commission. Now the original version will be restored and the measures against price increases will be approved

Sergio Mattarella sent back to the Chambers the decree which allocates around two billion to mitigate the effects of energy price increases, the so-called “Bills decree”, because, during the examination in the committee, they had been introduced completely inhomogeneous rules with the aim of the decree. These are four rules which are not unconstitutional, but which have nothing to do with expensive bills. It is a very common habit: a few paragraphs are inserted into a decree which become law with the approval of the decree, which has a privileged procedure because if it is not converted in two months it expires. However, the decree is a path that can be followed, instead of that of the normal presentation and discussion of bills, only if the conditions of necessity and urgency are in force. Taking the bus from a decree is convenient, but Mattarella rightly objects that in this way the specific nature of the emergency decree is distorted.

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