Mattarella rejects the sovereign extensions on the seaside resorts. For Lega and FI it is a Meloni problem

Mattarella rejects the sovereign extensions on the seaside resorts.  For Lega and FI it is a Meloni problem


Il Colle recorded his intolerance, but the decree contains too many decisive deadlines to be postponed. The line of the majority is to avoid the mange and unload it on Palazzo Chigi

So what to do? Maurizio Gasparri shrugs: “And I’m not the head of government.” Matteo Salvini always beats on the same note: “We rely on the premier”. Except that at Palazzo Chigi the responsibility for the choice does not seem to want it: “We will evaluate it in a table with the allies, we will deepen it in Parliament”. In short, now that Sergio Mattarella has entered his intolerance into the minutes, now that it is clear even to those who have tried hard not to see for months, that tenders must be called on beach concessions, the majority are racing to dodge the mange.

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