Mattarella in Nairobi, tomorrow the meeting with Ruto will then go to Malindi

Mattarella in Nairobi, tomorrow the meeting with Ruto will then go to Malindi


“I’m very happy to be here”. These are the words of Sergio Mattarella upon arrival in Kenya, accompanied by his daughter Laura and the deputy foreign minister Edmund Cirielli. The head of state begins a four-day state visit between Nairobi and Malindi, the fifth mission of the president of the republic to a sub-Saharan African country. Tomorrow the Head of State will have an official meeting with the president William Ruto and, at the end of the meeting, there will be a bilateral press conference. But Mattarella’s journey will continue on March 15 in Malindi, where he will visit the Luigi Broglio space center and in the evening he will greet the Italian community again in Nairobi.

The last official appointment in Kenya for the president will be on 16 March, where he will give a keynote address at the University of Nairobi on the issues of climate change and then, before leaving for Rome, he will visit the E4impact accelerator.

From the Quirinale they explain that Kenya, with its 50 million inhabitants, is today a fundamental country due to its geopolitical and important role from an economic point of view, being one of the fastest growing economies in sub-Saharan Africa. An economic and political model that can play a virtuous role thanks to its political stability and economic vitality, supported by a series of innovative start-ups. And, consequently, Kenya represents a country that can attract international investments.


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