Mattarella at the Altare della Patria for the unknown soldier, the ceremony of November 4th

Mattarella at the Altare della Patria for the unknown soldier, the ceremony of November 4th


ROME. “Peace is a value to be cultivated and preserved, and more than ever the current aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine calls us to the responsibility of concretely testifying our convictions”. Words of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who this morning placed a laurel wreath at the Altare della Patria on the occasion of the feast of the Armed Forces. Waiting for him in front of the staircase were the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, together with the highest institutional offices, including the presidents of the Chamber and Senate, Lorenzo Fontana and Ignazio La Russa, and the president of the Consulta, Silvana Sciarra.

“Today we celebrate the day of National Unity and, on this day, we honor the Armed Forces who with their dedication and contribution have allowed Italy to become a united, free and democratic state”, wrote Mattarella shortly before. in the traditional message to the Minister of Defense. “November 4 reminds us, with renewed emotion, of the many lives broken during the bitter fighting of the First World War, a conflict that tore apart and devastated the whole of Europe – the head of state reminded Minister Guido Crosetto – it was a great test for the many who, coming from every corner of the country, united under the Tricolor, with courage and heroism brought to fulfillment the dream of the Risorgimento, reuniting Trento and Trieste with the nation “

“The women and men in arms – continues Mattarella’s message – are still entrusted, even today, with our security, the safeguarding of our institutions, of peace, of freedom, operating, on the mandate of the Parliament and the Government, even in lands far away torn by terrible conflicts to bring, under the flags of the international community, stability and respect for human rights ”. “Soldiers – underlines the Head of State – sailors, airmen, carabinieri, financiers and civil defense personnel, the Republic is grateful to you for your self-denial and for your commitment”.

A special thought goes to those who are employed abroad, from Europe to Central and Northern Africa, from Asia to the Middle East and in the Mediterranean Sea, and to those who operate on the national territory, in collaboration with the police forces. «With these sentiments, I address a warm greeting to all of you and your families. Long live the Armed Forces, long live Italy ».

The Head of State laid the laurel wreath on the Unknown Soldier, then the passage of the Frecce Tricolori and the military honors: Mattarella then left Piazza Venezia to the applause of the citizens who attended the ceremony. He immediately left for Bari, where another ceremony is scheduled for the morning at which the Minister of the Interior will also be present.


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