Mattarella and Meloni reiterate their Italian support for Zelensky

Mattarella and Meloni reiterate their Italian support for Zelensky


The Ukrainian president is in Rome. First the visit to the Quirinale, then lunch at Palazzo Chigi, while waiting for the meeting with the Pope. “We are fully at your side”, says the head of state. “We are working for Kyiv’s entry into the EU”, repeats the prime minister

“Fully by your side”, articulates Sergio Mattarella. “We will continue to ensure our support”, reiterates Giorgia Meloni. It is Volodymyr Zelensky’s day in Rome. It is the day of Italy’s confirmation of its support for the Ukrainian cause. Both on the military and diplomatic fronts. In particular, the Prime Minister was keen to renew Palazzo Chigi’s commitment to Kyiv’s EU accession procedures, following a line first traced by Mario Draghi, even in spite of the perplexities of France and Germany.

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