Massimo Moratti is 78 years old: Inter

Massimo Moratti is 78 years old: Inter


Massimo Moratti turns 78 on the day of the return Euroderby of the Champions League and Inter celebrates its former president. «Passion, dedication and successes have ensured that his name is forever linked to the history of Inter», reads a message from the Nerazzurri club, «in 2018 the Moratti family was in fact part of the Hall of Fame nerazzurri. On his birthday, best wishes from FC Internazionale Milano and all the fans go to Massimo Moratti ». Let’s retrace Moratti’s adventure from February 18, 1995 (6.46 pm) to the sale of Eric Thohir’s group to the Indonesians on October 15, 2013.


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