Marta Fascina, Berlusconi’s white fairy

Marta Fascina, Berlusconi's white fairy


A ghost woman today took Forza Italia. Born in Portici, the same city as Noemi Letizia, a degree thesis on Turturro, hundreds of letters sent to the Cav., the same clothes as Princess Kate and the romantic readings of Austen

Martha Fascina exists? It is to Berlusconi what Clizia is to the poet Montale: it is the ghost that changes him. There are those who have doubted his existence, those who have been looking for a photo of him for years. The first, for a long time the only one, was taken in 2013. It was the PDL committee, in Portici, in the province of Naples. It is the municipality where he lived and attended the Liceo Flacco. In the city: “Never seen”. His original house is in via San Cristoforo. One kilometer away, in via Libertà, grew up Noemi Letizia, the girl who in 2009 made Berlusconi lose his head and the government. The mayor, on the left, Vincenzo Cuomo: “As far as I know, she never came back”. She was born in Calabria in Melito di Porto Salvo, but she moved to Campania at the age of eight and is therefore only a name in the registry office. A local reporter: “I’m sorry. Nothing”. In February 2018, Mimmo De Siano, Forza Italia’s regional coordinator in Campania, received a call. It was he, the president, the Cav., and he asked him to “protect” and nominate Dr. Marta Antonia Fascina for a high, indeed, very high position (certain election). The accent is on the i. She was placed in two plurinominal constituencies. In north Naples, in third place (behind Mara Carfagna) in south Naples, in second place (in first place was Paolo Russo). She honorable even before being elected. De Siano on the phone: “President, I obey. But may I ask who are you?”.

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