Mantovano is the undersecretary they did not expect in FdI (apart from some)

Mantovano is the undersecretary they did not expect in FdI (apart from some)

There are those who think that he was nominated for the theses on bioethics, but the first reason is the legal robustness. In government with Berlusconi, unlike Cav. he voted to trust Monti. The electoral struggle in Gallipoli with D'Alema, the "Granata case", the interpretation of Dostoevsky applied to Ukraine, the disappearance of his beloved wife, faith and reason

"The reality is not what it seems", says the exponent of the Brothers of Italy, commenting on the appointment as Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Alfredo Mantovano, former magistrate, parliamentarian and undersecretary of the Interior in the Berlusconi II and IV governments as well as a "Montiano" of the then PDL (so called since December 2012 in which, unlike Cav., Mantovano voted his trust in Mario Monti) . The reality is not what it seems and the appointment of Mantovano in the place that many thought destined for Giovanbattista Fazzolari, a loyalist of Giorgia Meloni, displaced "like a page of the thriller of the moment, 'Everyone in my family killed someone'", jokes a Forza Italia parliamentarian, alluding to best seller by Benjamin Stevenson that stands out in all Feltrinelli bookstores in these days of trust in the new government - and of investitures and controversies about the inexorable change of times. Two clues prove it, and here an intellectual close to the center-right provides the second: "Mantovano seems the most conservative of conservatives on ethical issues, but that's not what he is there for, and besides, he's not the most conservative on unethical issues. ".

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