Maneuver: the rule saves tax crimes appears, opposition in revolt. Tomorrow majority meeting with Meloni and Giorgetti

Maneuver: the rule saves tax crimes appears, opposition in revolt.  Tomorrow majority meeting with Meloni and Giorgetti


The hunt for resources, with the citizen’s income always in the crosshairs, and the very tight exam times complicate the game of the manoeuvre. With the opposition, moreover, on a war footing for a proposal, which comes out of the bag from the Ministry of Justice, and concerning a moratorium on some tax crimes. The government pulls straight and tomorrow morning. according to what is learned from parliamentary sources, a majority summit will be held at Palazzo Chigi which should also be attended by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in addition to the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti and the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate. The work of the Budget commission of the Chamber will instead resume at 10.30 on the amendments indicated, awaiting the amendment proposals of the government and the rapporteurs in the afternoon.

The day
It is the Deputy Minister Francesco Paolo Sisto who speaks of the possibility that the provision for which those who settle the account with the tax authorities could see “formal crimes” such as the omitted declaration extinguished in the fiscal peace. All by paying a fine and without there being the possibility of including fraud. A hypothesis that – in substance and in ways – however makes the opposition go on the attack in the Budget Committee in the Chamber: “Does the government want a clean slate on tax crimes? Let them clarify”, they say from M5s . Undersecretary Federico Freni tries to throw water on the fire by inviting us to discuss the “deposited texts” rather than the declarations. “Sisto is a deputy minister – replies Dem Ubaldo Pagano – and if what he says is worth zero then the agreements made so far in the commission are also worth zero”. In fact, however, it is a new tear in the already fragile thread of dialogue between the majority and the opposition.

Various meetings in the margins of the commission take place during the day. And the majority, after having dried up their own, proposes to the opposition to further reduce the overall amendments to 200 super-reported ones. M5s and Third Polo indicate their own while Pd and Avs let it be known that they first want to have the government’s answers on the central issues of the budget law by refusing to spread the Parliament’s treasury (400 million, of which 150 would have been offered to the opposition) on many micro-measurements. Meanwhile, the basic income is back in the sights of the majority. It is the same rapporteur of the maneuver, Roberto Pella, who speaks of the possibility of a 7-month reduction in income, which would allow for the release of another 200 million to add to the dowry for the changes.

Minister Marina Calderone defends the measure. “We are not working on any income squeeze,” she points out. But several amendments reported as priorities by the majority concern this point: there is that of the League which blocks the income of under29s who do not take training courses, the proposal of the Third Pole to cancel the benefit for the under40s without children. But Noi Moderati’s request to introduce a bonus for companies that hire income earners after 6 months and the FdI license plate requesting that the part relating to the rent of the income go to the owners also resists. And the question and answer on this front is in any case a thermometer of the fibrillation within the majority on the budget law. The times, moreover, are very tight and there are many open dossiers. The premier herself underlines the need for Parliament “to move quickly while respecting its prerogatives which I have always defended”. Times which, however, are hand in glove with those of the government committed to finalizing 6-7 amendments which should arrive in committee tomorrow evening and untie the last knots.

Among these also that of the superbonus with the extension for the presentation of the Cilas, which should eventually come into play. It seems – then – destined to drop to 30 euros the threshold beyond which the fine is triggered if you refuse to let customers use the Pos. “It is a hypothesis under study”, underlines Pella. Furthermore, it would be increasingly probable that the measure put forward primarily by the CISL to ease the squeeze on pension revaluations by raising the threshold for 100%-indexed checks from 4 to 5 times the minimum would be implemented. By now, even the yes to raising the minimum pensions, strongly desired by Fi, to 600 euros for the over75s, is almost taken for granted. Finally, among the new measures that could enter a fund to reduce rents for off-site students with families with an Isee not exceeding 20 thousand euros. And, still on the family front, the adjustment of the single check to inflation


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