Maneuver, the 450 amendments reported: all times and deadlines of the law to avoid the provisional exercise

Maneuver, the 450 amendments reported: all times and deadlines of the law to avoid the provisional exercise


Once the selection of the 450 amendments reported to the economic maneuver has been completed, 200 by the majority and 250 chosen from among those of the opposition, the internal match of the forces that support the government of Giorgia Meloni remains to be resolved on some political issues linked to the budget law, starting with pensions. Forza Italia pleads the cause of seniority benefits starting at 600 euros, leader Silvio Berlusconi has spent again on this matter today.

Tomorrow opens a key week for the parliamentary process of the text, which the majority would like to approve in the House by December 23 and then transfer it to the Senate on the 26th and conclude the votes in Palazzo Madama before the 31st to avoid the provisional exercise. Times are tight. The EU Commission’s judgment on the economic planning document will arrive on Wednesday. On Thursday, however, the vote on the amendments will start in the Budget Commission which will last until Sunday 18 December.

Today the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Paolo Gentiloni, specified: «The Commission’s decision on the budget law will be adopted on Wednesday. Italy has chosen to go in the direction of prudence in the direction of public finances». As for the increase to 60 euros of the minimum threshold beyond which merchants cannot refuse payment with the Pos, the former prime minister recalled: “There has been a call from the European Commission for years to spread payments and electronic invoicing” . While on any changes to the Pnrr, Gentiloni clarified: «In Brussels the doors are open for possible amendments, which however must be limited and justified, we cannot say there is inflation so let’s review everything. What cannot be accepted, on the other hand, would be a possible failure to comply with the reforms».


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