Maneuver 2023, all the updates of the last hour

Maneuver 2023, all the updates of the last hour


Last days for the government’s budget manoeuvre, which must be closed by 31 December to exclude the risk of a provisional exercise. The executive is in the final rush, the points are being examined by the Chambers and the discussion begins. Let’s see, point by point, the main innovations and the themes that will mark the day in the Chamber.
Opposition majority sparks
The toughest attack on the majority comes from the Third Pole. “We do not complain – said the deputy of Italia Viva Maria Elena Boschi – for the choices that we do not share because the majority has the right and the duty to make choices, we complain for the disrespectful, indecent way in which Parliament was treated ». In the meantime, the attack by the M5S on the cut to the citizen’s income is very harsh. «Commenting on the elimination of the “congruity” of the job offer for the “employable” recipients of the Rdc, which took place overnight during the examination of the Budget law, the Undersecretary for Labor Durigon said – I quote verbatim – that the “territoriality remains ”. These declarations strengthen our certainties: the Right has overturned the law on the RDC, which they will cancel from 1 January 2024, without knowing it”. This was stated by the group leader of the M5S in the Labor commission in the Chamber Davide Aiello. «Contrary to what was stated by Durigon, in fact, with the approval of the Lupi amendment, the criterion of “territoriality” (according to which the place of work had to be no more than 80 km from the residence of the beneficiary) is eliminated. Likewise, the remuneration criterion is cancelled: at least 858 euros. Never seen so much carelessness. Because of its ideological fury, the majority is laying the groundwork for a social drama. Stop before it’s too late.” And then: «M5S controversy over income? There have been seasons in which there have been those who have fanned the fire, and then have not been able to put it out, as with terrorism, the confrontation always remains on the level of ideas». So Francesco Lollobrigida, minister of agriculture and food sovereignty, guest of AdnKronos Live. “Every institution is responsible,” asks the minister.
Read on the maneuver: it is the most botched of the last 20 years
«What has happened in these hours in parliament is the demonstration that the government and the majority were not ready. The budget law is the most botched of the last twenty years and we still don’t know what text will be voted on these days» says Enrico Letta, secretary of the Democratic Party, at the event “For a real constituent”, underway at the Nazareno.
Lollobrigida on the tax shield: “We have shown that we believe in legality”
The theme of the tax shield is relaunched by the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Francesco Lollobrigida who points out: “We have shown that we believe in legality”. And on the cut to the Citizenship Income he warns: “Be careful of fanning the flames as happened in the 1970s with terrorism”.

Debate in the House has begun
The general discussion on the budget bill has begun in the Chamber of Deputies, with the speeches of the speakers. The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, participates in the works, representing the Government. At the end of this phase, according to what has been learned, the provision will return to the examination of the Budget commission for the removal due to lack of financial coverage, of the which assign resources to the Municipalities. During the day the Executive will appeal to the question of confidence which will be voted on tomorrow. The green light from Montecitorio is expected by Christmas, while the definitive approval of the Maneuver by the Senate will arrive close to the end of the year.


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