Maids and caregivers, contributions increase but there is a tax discount: relief doubled

Maids and caregivers, contributions increase but there is a tax discount: relief doubled


Housekeepers and carers: the novelties of the Work decree

Among the novelties of the Labor decree is the doubling from 1,500 to 3,000 euros of the threshold of income-deductible contributions. Measure which, in the intentions of the government, should help employer families to meet the contractual increases started in 2023, with the minimums increased by 9.2%, due to the adjustment to the cost of living according to the Istat index all 80% for wages and 100% for food and accommodation allowances. Another article of the decree provides for the extension of health surveillance to domestic workers who are already insured against accidents at work by Inail but who are not subjected to the so-called periodic health checks. According to Assindatcolf, the national association of domestic employers, the doubling of the relief could benefit above all employers who have existing employment relationships exceeding 34 hours a week, i.e. about 25% of employers registered by INPS.


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