M5S absent for the Conte-Corriere.it proposal

M5S absent for the Conte-Corriere.it proposal


Of Political editorial staff

The hearing of the president of Anac Busia. Bergamini (FI): it would have been more useful to hear the opinions of the 5-star delegation

The hearing of Giuseppe Busia, president of the National Anti-Corruption Authority, on the proposed law on conflicts of interest first signed by Giuseppe Conte in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber becomes a coincidence. Very few present. And the President of the Commission, Nazario Pagano (Fi), immediately points it out as he opens the session: «I thank President Busia for accepting the Commission’s invitation and I apologize, Professor, if you find the Chamber half-empty but unfortunately in the morning this often happens…”

Pagano, to the Dire agency, adds that they were present «Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia». Busia was heard for half an hour and only two deputies asked questions, both from the majority, who turned to Busia at the end of his speech. «It is a pity to note the absence of the 5-star Movement, given that the first signatory is the professor and colleague Giuseppe Conte. Perhaps it would also have been useful to hear the opinions of the 5-star delegation regarding the proposals and suggestions that have come from the experience of President Busia. We will certainly have the opportunity and time to enter into the specific evaluation of the elements during the examination in the commission», attacks Deborah Bergamini (FI). A law on conflict of interest has always been one of the strong points of the Movement, which publicly have pushed more than one face to be able to implement it.

May 3, 2023 (change May 3, 2023 | 4:19 pm)


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