Lucio Malan: “Perhaps Berlusconi has forgotten him, his governments did the same on migrants”

Lucio Malan: "Perhaps Berlusconi has forgotten him, his governments did the same on migrants"


The clash over migrants was wanted by France, not the Italian government. Lucio Malan, FdI group leader in the Senate, says he understands Silvio Berlusconi’s perplexities but remembers: “His governments also tried to avoid indiscriminate arrivals.”
But are raves and migrants really the priorities?

“We would have liked to deal exclusively with bills, with the economy. But we must face the emergencies that exist. Rave parties continued to be organized and migrants kept arriving. We couldn’t say “we’ll take care of it later”. That said, we wasted no time. We have already extended the measures to calm the bills ».

Berlusconi seems doubtful about the hard line on migrants. Does the Lega-FdI axis isolate FI?

“President Berlusconi said” I would have welcomed them all “. Of course, from a humanitarian point of view I understand it. But the governments he presides over have also done their utmost to avoid indiscriminate arrivals. And FI participates authoritatively in the councils of ministers ”

Clashing with France for 234 people at the risk of splitting the EU is it worth it?

“After Italy has welcomed over 90,000 migrants, the government has established some rules entirely in accordance with international law. It is France that sought a confrontation for 200 migrants. We want good relations with France, but we cannot suffer French politics, which is the object of heavy criticism from international organizations ».

You speak of 90,000 migrants. But most of those who disembark then go elsewhere, they don’t stay here.

“True, many go elsewhere. But not in France, since Paris has suspended Schengen for years and refuses migrants arriving from Italy. We are well aware of what happens at the Ventimiglia border: rejected unaccompanied minors, mistreatment. It is very strange that the Italian left sides with Macron in the name of welcoming migrants ”.

Are you preparing a new squeeze on NGOs?

“Surely. They must respect international rules and stop considering Italy as the only safe haven: Tunisia is closer than Italy to Libya. The castaways must be taken to the nearest port. There is evidence of communications between NGOs and smugglers: it is a fixed service that is offered. This is not acceptable. Smugglers are criminals, if this approach by NGOs continues it means continuing this obscene business ”.

What will you do for the economy? Confindustria expects the tax wedge to be cut.

“The tax wedge is our priority. We know very well, however, that the emergency at the moment is the crux of the bills on this most of the resources. It is useless to promise cuts in the cost of labor if the company has to close down. The interventions are planned, but it is clear that they will not have immediately all the resources we would have liked to put in place ».

Will there be “quota 41” for pensions, as Salvini asks?

“In the meantime, there is an intervention for an important increase in pensions, a duty in the face of inflation at the highest levels. For the rest, we will look for a situation that favors the workers but guarantees the keeping of public accounts and social security. We cannot afford an unbalanced social security system, otherwise people retire but then there is no money to pay the checks ».

The leader of the League is very active, does he risk creating problems for the premier?

“No, definitely not. The Prime Minister is Giorgia Meloni. Matteo Salvini is the leader of an important political force, it is normal for him to communicate. Anyone who thought he would be silent does not know Salvini. Giorgia Meloni knows him very well ».


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