Luchino confidential | The paper

Luchino confidential |  The paper


After 50 years, the book that Giovanni Testori dedicated to the director of the “Leopard” appears. Around there is a world: loves, hatred, actors, houses, communism and a fundamental father at the base of everything, in the reconstruction of Giovanni Agosti

Talking with Giovanni Agosti in his shady and labyrinthine Milanese home of books, catalogs, tapestries and red animals and corridors is a 3D experience, it is a cultural metaverse (at the moment it is more orderly, some of the materials are on loan at the Triennale in the exhibition which is called “the Red Corridor”). Even the last book of the art historian is labyrinthine and mossy, as Charles Swann teaches, after all, one can only love objects that refer to other objects, which have a history: so here is this book which is a book about a book , specifically a “lost” book, an old text that was believed to be lost forever by Giovanni Testori on Luchino Visconti.

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