In Campania 38 percent of young people do not study, do not work and do not train

In Campania 38 percent of young people do not study, do not work and do not train


NoonNovember 9, 2022 – 07:54 am

The population of the Neet increases, the most alarming figure is that of women

from Angelo Agrippa

If Italy is the European country with the highest number of NEETs, i.e. young people aged 15 to 34 who do not work, do not study and do not train (in 2020 more than 3 million, with a female prevalence of 1 , 7 million) the regions of the South are those with the highest percentage of exponents of the new generations blocked at the starting line. In fact, the incidence of Neet doubles in the South compared to the North. It is higher among women, in the two age groups of 25-29 years (30.7%) and 30-34 years (30.4%). And the more one grows with age, the more their share increases. The region of Italy with the most significant presence of Neet is Sicily, with 41.1%. Immediately after there is Calabria, with 39.9 and then Campania, with 38.1%. A worrying picture, undermined by territorial, gender and citizenship inequalities that ActionAid and CGIL analyzed in the Report Neet between inequalities and gaps. In search of new public policies.

South “motionless”

Chiara Saraceno, sociologist and honorary fellow at Collegio Carlo Alberto, took part in the presentation in Rome; Giustina Orientale Caputo, professor at the Federico II University of Naples; Alessandro Rosina, lecturer at the Catholic University of Milan and Cristina Tajani, president and at Anpal servizi spa; Marco De Giorgi, head of the youth policies department and Raffaele Tangorra, extraordinary commissioner of Anpal. Therefore, it is in Southern Italy that the highest presence of young people condemned to immobility remains: they are 39% compared to 23% in Central Italy, 20% in the North-West and 18% in the North-East. But the overall Italian figure exceeds the average incidence of NEETs on the youth population in Europe in 2020, which remains at 15%. In the first places, as mentioned, there are all the southern regions, with very high altitudes for Sicily, Calabria and Campania. For Central Italy, Lazio has the highest incidence with about 25.1%. The first northern region for the incidence of NEETs is Liguria (21.1%), which is also the oldest in the country, and followed by Piedmont (20.5%) and Valle d’Aosta (19.6%). ).

The data

56% of the Neets are women and the prevalence of women remains unchanged over the years: a trend that confirms that it is much more difficult for a woman to free herself from this condition. Gender inequalities are also reproduced by observing the roles in the Neet family: 26% are parents and live outside their family of origin; among these there is a wide difference between women and men which sees 23% of Neet mothers compared to 3% of Neet fathers. The highest percentage of young Neet women equal to 27% of the total Neet population is concentrated among inactive people who are not looking for and are not available; 20% of the Neet out of the total Italian Neet population are inactive mothers. «The motivation for inactivity – it has been specified – is often linked to gender disparity in care loads that prevent or suggest women to stay out or leave the labor market. The Italian Neets are for the most part inactive, people who, discouraged, have stopped looking for work: 66% of the total, therefore 2 out of 3, and among these about 20% are not looking but are available. There is a tendency to be inactive especially among high school graduates (32%) or with a lower degree (16%). Compared to the unemployed (those who regularly look for a job), the worrying figure is related to time: 36.3% of the unemployed have been looking for a job for more than a year. Almost 1 out of 2 has had previous work experience and of these 54.3% are women ».

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November 9, 2022 | 07:54



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