“Love and literature live on improprieties”, word of the writer Luca Ricci

"Love and literature live on improprieties", word of the writer Luca Ricci


The respectability of autofiction told by the author of “Primaverili”, which closes his polyptych of novels on the seasons, relationships and writing

“Clichés are sacred. Commonplaces help us project ourselves into time which is disturbing, a dark canopy. The seasons are an attempt by Mother Nature above all to bend time and not make us remember that our horizon is that of the coffin. We delude ourselves because the same things seem to come back every year. Clichés must be respected precisely because they are a non-human superstructure”. Luke Ricci thus responds to the question whether his polyptych on the seasons, love and writing, which closes with the fourth novel “The Spring” (The Ship of Theseus), pays homage to his beloved Maupassant when he recounted the Parisian grande dames who expressed “the their preferences about the seasons with all the trivial considerations wandering through the brains like dust in the apartments”.

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