Lombardy regionals, the League brings together the elite of the party at Manzoni in Milan

Lombardy regionals, the League brings together the elite of the party at Manzoni in Milan


MILAN. The entire staff of the League is at the Manzoni Theater in Milan for an electoral event in support of the outgoing president of the Lombardy Region and candidate for reconfirmation Attilio Fontana. Minister Matteo Salvini, welcomed by flags, banners and smoke bombs organized for him by the Youth of the League, his colleagues in the cdm Giancarlo Giorgetti, Roberto Calderoli, Alessandra Locatelli and Giuseppe Valditara. All lined up on stage. They are preceded by the interventions of the group leaders of the Chamber and Senate, Riccardo Molinari “I am the only non-Lombard” and Massimiliano Romeo.

The polls will give the candidate of the Pd-M5s Pierfrancesco Majorino closest and detached by only 6 points, but the goal of the League this Saturday afternoon in Milan is to compact the militants on the great battle horses. The Milanese provincial commissioner of the Carroccio Silvia Sardone tries to recall them at the start, who immediately starts the attack on her opponent Majorino and the center-left, defining them «pro illegal immigrants, pro Mimmo Lucano, pro Soumahoro. The left is that of the 30km/h zones while we want to run». The applause comes easily from the audience: “about 1,000 people”, including journalists. The Northern League repertoire, therefore, is all there. And the consensus reaches the stars on the subject of autonomy. Calderoli assures that «he will go to the pre-Council of Ministers on Tuesday and then reasonably to the CDM. I don’t give a damn about the regional elections – he replies to the press who ask him if the goal is approval within the electoral round – Autonomy goes beyond the regional ones. Fontana wins hands down all the same, with the competitors he has he can rest assured ». Giorgetti and Salvini, who quote each other to show the unity of “a team, a family that goes beyond politics”, launch the usual criticisms of Europe: “The proposal to revise a series of rules will arrive this week for shorter times» on the Pnrr, the owner tells the Economy, «moderately optimistic» about the future of the energy issue.

On immigration, “we want European standards. Italy cannot be the refugee camp of Europe, everyone must take responsibility for their share», reiterates the former interior minister. And on the conflict in Ukraine, Salvini’s jab at Zelensky: «Don’t stop the war by going to Sanremo. That evening I will go to the cinema », he said provocatively after expressing himself in recent days on the participation of the Ukrainian president in the Sanremo Kermesse. The call to vote – “freedom and participation” says Salvini quoting Gaber – also comes from Fontana who, like the others, fears abstention: “The favorable polls risk being dangerous because someone could say that we have already won. But we didn’t win anything. We will win on February 12 and 13». «And in any case», he added, «let’s wait to say that the League will not be the first party. And even if there were a party in front of us, I don’t think anything will change because the League has never bullied anyone in five years”.


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