Lombardy regionals, Milan calls Puglia: Decaro and the other dem mayors of Taranto and Gallipoli arrive for Majorino

Lombardy regionals, Milan calls Puglia: Decaro and the other dem mayors of Taranto and Gallipoli arrive for Majorino


It’s okay to wear the soles of your shoes up and down the Bergamo valleys, in the countryside of the Bassa or in the mountains of Valtellina. But without a ride with the people of Bari in Milan there is no election campaign. Pierfrancesco Majorino, on his tour of Lombardy in view of the next Regionals on 12 and 13 February, knows it well. And that’s why he allowed himself a lunch with a slice of Puglia, the first regional community resident in the Lombard capital.

About forty Milanese by adoption – from Brindisi, Taranto, Lecce – gathered at the Arci del Corvetto club to support the MEP’s race. The Apulian team organized itself for Majorino with three exceptional guests: the mayor of Bari Antonio Decarothe mayor by Taranto Rinaldo Melucci and the colleague of GallipoliStefano Minerva. Arrived in Milan for the convention of Stefano Bonaccini, candidate for the national secretariat of the Democratic Party, they stretched out in the neighborhood club for a glass of wine with their fellow citizens.

Regional elections 2023: Lazio and Lombardy to vote 12-13 February

Majorino arrived with the outgoing councilor of the Democratic Party Peter Bussolatire-nominated, and the dem leaders in Milan Cosima Buccoliero. And, not surprisingly, the former director of the Bollate prison is from Sava, a town in the Salento hinterland. “It is nice to see the widespread support of the progressive community and of our mayors, even outside Lombardy”, says Majorino: “A nice opportunity for discussion and meeting between Lombardy and Puglia”.

“There are so many Apulians in Milan”, smiles Annamaria, a “very Milanese” militant of the club. She with a tricolor cockade on her chest, strictly hand-embroidered, and a “President Majorino” propped up on her jacket. “They will bring us luck, I’m sure of it”, she says, crossing her fingers for superstition: “They did it with Sala when we organized a meeting here again, they will also do it for the Regionals”.


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