Lockdown Crisanti. After the expert report on the pandemic, silent cell phones in the Democratic Party

Lockdown Crisanti.  After the expert report on the pandemic, silent cell phones in the Democratic Party


Since the Bergamo investigation exploded and the microbiologist began making statements left and right, none of the dem answers him anymore. And the press secretary imposes a ban on him speaking to newspapers and TV stations

Whoever nominated him, the Democratic Party, no longer answers his phone. And what’s more, a diligent press officer, used to handling the grillini, was placed in him, with a single recommendation: Andrea Crisanti must not speak to the press, but not even to the TVs, radios, agencies. Thus the microbiologist and dem senator ended up in a sort of lockdown. Here he is pacing back and forth on the creaky parquet of the Garibaldi hall, the ocean liner of Palazzo Madama. A soul in pain. His expertise, used by the Bergamo prosecutor, is a stone in the chain of command of the Conte II government, the one that managed the pandemic. He calls it a “three-dimensional reconstruction of what happened”.

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