Letta, Meloni and the danger of fascism

Letta, Meloni and the danger of fascism


Yesterday in the direction of the Pd, Enrico Letta he heavily criticized the maneuver by the Meloni government, calling it “improvised, unfair and inadequate”. The message from the dem secretary is that it is not enough to say that Meloni has been cautious with the state budget, because “this is not a moment of political and economic transition, but a crucial one, with the country poised against the recession”. After him, the economic manager of the Democratic Party intervened Antonio Misiani, who contested the right-wing budget law by offering the country a dem “counter-maneuver”. According to the Democratic Party, the 21 billion out of 35 provided by the government to refinance the Draghi government’s measures against expensive energy are not enough because “only until April”. So the response of the Democratic Party, to give greater certainty to families and businesses, is to put more resources to expand and extend aid. Even on health care, the dem argue that the 2 billion provided by the government are small: “We would need at least three times as much”.

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