Letta: “Inadequate manoeuvre, we are poised on the recession”

Letta: "Inadequate manoeuvre, we are poised on the recession"


«Someone told us that we are excessively critical of the budget law, saying they could have done worse and ruined the public accounts. This is a non-argument, we are in a crucial moment, on the verge of the recession, that is why it is necessary that there are the right choices and that they are ambitious and fair. That’s why improvised, unfair and inadequate. This was stated by the Pd secretary, Enrico Letta, as he opened the party leadership, underway at the Nazarene.

And he added: «Monday in Brussels we will launch a strong and important message of European and pro-European pride».

The Pd secretary anticipates the knots that the party will have to face in order to define a new identity: «There is the big question of the debate on the key issues of the Pd, on the knots that we must untie, on who we are, on what the new Pd should be. We want to build it with Article One and the road companions of the electoral campaign». Adding: «This also applies to Demos, to the Democratic Center and to those who have been with us in recent weeks, opening the doors to all those who wish to participate in the constitutional process. Broadening and deepening”. And he launched a three-day launch of the new Pd: “On 13, 14 and 15 January I would like an initiative that I would call Piazza for the New Pd, so as to listen, converse, talk to the people who have asked us for attention”.


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