Letizia Moratti unchained. He refuses ministries, he wants the Pirellone. The patience of the League

Letizia Moratti unchained.  He refuses ministries, he wants the Pirellone.  The patience of the League


Call her if you can, please remove it. If Giorgia Meloni really wants to offer a proof of love to Matteo Salvini, she can only solve the ugly mess Letizia Moratti. The Lombard Northern League: “Give her any department but take her away from here. You are a candidate against our Attilio Fontana ”. Riccardo De Corato, staff of FdI, today in the Chamber, “I am the hen”, he who was deputy mayor of Moratti, says: “I know her well. You did the bilateral with Angela Merkel. She doesn’t stop ”. The League cannot be offended now. In Veneto there is a problem. It is said that the Ministry of Agriculture (which was to go to Centinaio) could go to a Veneto of FdI. It is Luca De Carlo and he also has the newspapers in favor. He owns a newsstand (it’s written on the CV). It is already daily Melons.

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