Leodori takes a step to the side: in Lazio Conte keeps the Democratic Party on his toes

Leodori takes a step to the side: in Lazio Conte keeps the Democratic Party on his toes


After the news of the hypothetical candidacy for the M5s of Ignazio Marino or Stefano Fassina, the vice president announces that he will not be available without “il campo largo”. It is feared that Bettini’s hand is behind it: “They want to smash the Democratic Party”

“In recent months I have given the availability to continue the experience conducted in recent years in the Lazio Region also by committing myself, even with the primary, to continue this work with a united and broad coalition. At this moment the wide field project seems more fragile to me and I take note of it. It is not for me to judge the choices of other partiesbut it is clear that my availability was strongly linked to the possibility of continuing this experience. “Daniele Leodorideputy governor of Lazio and candidate for the post Zingaretti seems to take a step to the side.

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