Lega, from Bossi to Castelli up to the Venetian branch; the first “cracks” at home- Corriere.it

Lega, from Bossi to Castelli up to the Venetian branch;  the first "cracks" at home- Corriere.it


from Cesare Zapperi

Series of initiatives that refer to the Nordic origins. Salvini convenes another federal council for tomorrow

Small (for now) dissensions are growing. The post-election League experiences special days. If on the one hand the federal council confirms full confidence in the secretary Matteo Salvini that the new parliamentary group then acclaims with stadium choirs, on the other, initiatives, positions, dissensions on the political line of the leader are crowding as never before. in a party not used to leaving room for conflicting positions.

The most sensational case, given the name of the protagonist, is that of Umberto Bossi and del

his «Northern Committee» which he promoted to relaunch the theme of autonomy. But the desire for a return to the origins moves other exponents of the past and present of the Carroccio. Names that have made the history of the League resurface, from Roberto Castelli to Giancarlo Pagliarini passing through Francesco Speroni, together with those who hold important positions today, such as the Venetian Gianantonio Da Re (European deputy) and Roberto Marcato (regional councilor), united even with accents and tones different from the conviction that the League can recover its lost enamel only if it rediscovers the sentimental connection with the North, nourished by federalism and attention to the demands of the productive worlds.

“Bossi is the most acute politician in the country – explains Marco Reguzzoni, a former deputy Varese, very close to the Senatùr with whom he often hears (and there are those who see him as the “director” of the Committee) – he understood that now the opposition is no longer between right and left but we are back to the pre-Berlusconi scheme: people who work against those who do not work, the productive North against the welfare South. There is a new political space that seeks answers. Bossi has identified it and points it out to us. What will Salvini do? I don’t know, he has changed his mind many times … ».

Bossi’s initiative immediately gained the attention of a former loyalist like Roberto Castelli who has been working for some time with the association «Autonomia e Libertà». Although the former minister warns: «I have learned that in every political initiative one must ask oneself cui prodest (who benefits, ed) because the readings can be many ». It is the same attitude of Pagliarini: “The Committee launched by Bossi to collect votes is a blasphemy.” But the former Minister of the Budget at the same time confirms that he is working on a container, called “Alliance for Autonomy”, which brings together 27 acronyms between Piedmont, Veneto and Lombardy that will promote street initiatives at the end of the month. And another former minister like Speroni says he is ready to join the Committee “as long as he fights for autonomy but without secession”. And then there is the assembly of activists of the Northern League promoted by former deputies Gianni Fava and Gianluca Pini for October 15 in Biassono, in Brianza.

In addition to the protagonists of the past, the leaguers in the trenches also make themselves felt. “I’m ready to join, it is a return to origins perhaps, but above all to what we have fought and worked for for many years “, relaunches a true Venetian, the Da Re MEP, while the regional councilor Marcato adds:” It is not a criticism to Salvini but rather to the magic circle that surrounds him ». In this agitated climate Salvini is at work in view of the formation of the center-right government. Tomorrow the federal council will meet again and he will have to indicate the most suitable Northern League names to enter the ministerial team.

October 3, 2022 (change October 3, 2022 | 11:09 am)


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