“Last generation? They’re wrong method”. Speak Santori

"Last generation? They're wrong method".  Speak Santori


“In my life as an activist I prefer other forms of protest: I prefer assists to conflicts, while I fear the protest of the Last Generation does not help to talk about the merits of things, they should remember how Greta Thunberg began, sitting without causing damage in front of parliament “. Matthias Santoriformerly “head of the Sardines”, then city councilor in Bologna complete with endorsements from Romano Prodi and today a fresh member of the leadership of Elly Schlein’s Democratic Party (after Fioroni’s farewell he had to say: “For a Fioroni who leaves we buy 100,000 new subscribers”), he doesn’t like eco-activists, or last generation eco-vandals as the right calls them, the boys who block the ring road or smear Palazzo Vecchio, transforming the mayor of Florence Nardella into a sprinter and an unforgettable meme. “Even civil disobedience – he says the sardine now dem of apparatus – it can be done in different more ‘supportive’ ways. Let me give you an example: a few years ago environmental activists here in Bologna designed a cycle path on the ground because they thought it was necessary, they did so by breaking the rules because they traced it against traffic. Thanks to the creative constructiveness of that gesture, however, we now have a cycle path designed by the municipality, perfectly compliant with the law, in short, there are more collaborative forms of protest against the administrations that don’t want to destroy the environment, but maybe need help from below to change things”.

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