Last farewell to Arnaldo Forlani

Last farewell to Arnaldo Forlani



The state funeral was held today in the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Rome. The homage of the institutions, from Mattarella to Fontana, the memory of the children

George Caruso

The state funeral of the former Prime Minister and secretary of the Christian Democrats took place today in the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, in the Eur district of Rome, Arnaldo Forlani, died on Thursday 6 July, aged 97. In the first benches reserved for the authorities were present the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the Speaker of the House, Lorenzo Fontanathe Senator Pier Ferdinando Casini representing the Senate of the Republic, the Minister of the University Anna Maria Bernini representing the government.

“We are talking about a great figure in the history of the Republic and the testimony of a political class remains that is linked to the memory of an Italy that won in the world that prospered, in which people were happy and happy and, today, many people regret not both the political side, but that Italy that men like Forlani have been able to build,” he said Gianfranco Rotondiformer DC, recalling the figure of the former secretary.

“A person who is always at the service of others, of neighbor, and if there is one thing that has touched me and my brothers a lot these days, it is the thousands of messages in which there were words that were always repeated: statesman, generous, altruist“, remember Marco Forlanison of the former prime minister.

Several nostalgics of the white whale were present who, recalling the figure of Forlani, point the finger at the former prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro who condemned the former DC secretary in the years of tangentopoli: “These convictions of social services have been a sweetener for Clean Hands “says a former supporter of the Christian Democrats.


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