Landini: “Salvini? He’s never worked, he’s never had the problem of going on strike”

Landini: "Salvini? He's never worked, he's never had the problem of going on strike"


“Salvini, having never worked, has never had the problem of going on strike”, replied the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini to the words of the Minister of Infrastructure Matthew Salvini who had labeled the strike against the 2023 maneuver called by CGIL and UIL as “unmotivated and ideological”. “When the squares fill up, the people who lose their wages don’t take to the streets for nothing or for political reasons, but because they see that their condition is getting worse and the government is going the other way – says Landini -. Salvini should ask himself on the fact that this maneuver does not increase workers’ wages, worsen precariousness, does not intervene on pensions, odds 103 is a further joke. I think by now all workers have understood that the quota story is a joke.”

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