Justice, Covid, security and appointments: Meloni’s first moves in the CDM

Justice, Covid, security and appointments: Meloni's first moves in the CDM


The first real government summit at Palazzo Chigi: the premier wants to affirm the discontinuity on the pandemic. On the table also the life sentence and the postponement of the Cartabia reform, while the squeeze of the Minister of the Interior Piantedosi could arrive. The names of undersecretaries and deputy ministers will also be decided

Covid, justice, internal security. And then the latest appointments, including undersecretaries and deputy ministers. The Meloni government begins to get serious, at 13 in Palazzo Chigi the first – true – Council of Ministers led by the FdI leader is staged, after the one with limited functions that was held the day after the oath.

After the words, it will be the first opportunity to get serious and field the discontinuity that the premier announced. Starting with Health, with Minister Schillaci who has already leaked, in recent days, that he is working on a series of measures with the aim of overcoming the previous management of the pandemic: from the amnesty of fines to the No vaxes, in the end the obligation of vaccination for health workers (whose expiration was scheduled for the end of the year) with the reintegration of those who were not in good standing. Also at stake is the obligation of masks in RSA and hospitals: also on this point the Ministry of Health has made it known that the intention is to go towards the free all, but the warning of Matterella – “we cannot yet proclaim victory final on Covid “- and some distinctions put in place by Forza Italia, could slow down this last measure.

But the main topic of the government meeting will be that of justice. On the one hand, the impediment to life imprisonment – and even on this point the forces would like to weigh the reasons for the guarantee. “At the first point of the CDM, a decree law to maintain the so-called ‘life imprisonment’considered by the Meloni government an essential tool in the fight against organized crime “, reads the note released by Palazzo Chigi.” A race against time – is the government’s reasoning – to guarantee social security and prevent Mafia prisoners from opening doors of the prison despite the constancy of the association bond. ”On the life imprisonment impediment, (on which there is already a bill passed in the Chamber in the last legislature) the Constitution Court will confront on November 8, after having already raised objections of constitutionality. Minister Nordio himself had said that he was against it in the past, but Meloni, as we understand well from his note, considers this to be the essential measure.

On the other front linked to justice, the Cdm will deal with the postponement to 30 December 2022 of the entry into force of some provisions of the Cartabia Reform. But – the government assures – in any case “the measure intends to respect the PNNR deadlines”. A decision that has fueled the fears of some of the opposition – the Democratic Party in particular -, for which the reassurances on the Recovery were not enough. They also fear that all the work done during the Draghi government will be put aside.

Another issue is that of internal security, which has returned even more central this weekend with the rave in Modena. After the directive on NGOs and landings, the head of the interior, the former prefect of Rome Matteo Piantedosi, has promised a hard line for these kinds of unauthorized events and a new package of rules, including the confiscation of facilities – from tills to vans and various equipment – to organizers. We will also talk about the possibility of intercepting communications in advance, so as to stop any new attempts to organize rave upstream. It would be a very hard squeeze and even in this the most guarantors within the CDM could raise some objections. But on this front, the government, primarily the Lega, is counting on marking another point of discontinuity with respect to previous management.

Finally, there is one last aspect of absolute importance among those that will be addressed at Palazzo Chigi: the appointment of undersecretaries and deputy ministers, decisions which also affect the political balance of the executive itself. FI continues to ask for equal treatment with respect to the Carroccio, after having revealed a certain disappointment in the indivudation of ministers and the first government positions. In particular, the appointment of Giuseppe Mangialavoriloyal to Licia Ronzulli, whose name appears, albeit without being investigated, in a couple of inquiries by ‘Ndrangheta: Meloni does not seem willing to give in, would like to avoid any controversy. Also because in the next few days you should begin the discussion for a decree that addresses the energy issue, which could arrive as early as this week, while the premier herself is expected in Brussels on Thursday to meet the leaders of the European institutions.


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