“It’s time for the Mes. Meloni find a solution. We can’t be saboteurs in the EU”. Cattaneo (FI) speaks

"It's time for the Mes. Meloni find a solution. We can't be saboteurs in the EU". Cattaneo (FI) speaks


“The government’s theses are outdated. We are alone out of 20 participating countries. Let’s ratify the treaty, and watch out for the Pnrr”, the deputy and former group leader at the Camera di Forza Italia tells us

Rome. A matter of seriousness, first of all. “I don’t think we can afford, like Italy, to play the role of saboteurs of the EU, nor risk compromising the Pnrr”. And so? “And therefore I am convinced that Giorgia Meloni will be able to find a definitive solution on the Mes”. Alessandro Cattaneo speaks with the firmness of someone who is convinced that “to govern is above all to come to terms with reality”. And for this reason, the Forza Italia deputy was the first to tear apart the veil of ambiguity behind which the center-right hides its hesitations on the State-saving Fund. Ratify, then? And how to convince the government?

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