Italy is once again ambiguous about China and gives in to Beijing’s flattery

Italy is once again ambiguous about China and gives in to Beijing's flattery


As regards relations with the increasingly authoritarian People’s Republic of China, Italian politics has plunged back into a limbo, halfway between ambiguity, superficiality and scattered order. If the tightrope strategy with Beijing seems to be, for the moment, prevalent in Brussels, in Italy the impression is that of a rather alarming confusion, a minimization of the problem, above all in light of the two crucial appointments of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni which will have China at the center: the European Council which begins today and Joe Biden’s trip to Washington in July. Yesterday, during communications to the Chamber, Meloni dedicated a short passage to the matter. He said that we must not be dependent on China but that on a geopolitical level the country is “an essential interlocutor”: “For these reasons”, said Meloni, “we intend to pursue a relationship with China which, far from being hostile, wants but be more balanced”. Yes, but how?

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