Ita, Tim, Ilva, Priolo: painful admission on four troubles badly managed by Draghi & co

Ita, Tim, Ilva, Priolo: painful admission on four troubles badly managed by Draghi & co


On these dossiers the previous government chose not to choose and now the risk is to return to the nationalizing state. Not limited corporate crises, but large companies that preside over essential industrial crossroads

Sometimes the time comes to say hurtful things, but it must be done even if most avoid it. The Draghi government has had many great merits, but it has also made serious mistakes. It must be said: on Ilva, Tim, Ita and Isab, the non-choice leaves significant damage. And we’re talking about full-cycle steel, 5G, air transport, an important share of the entire country’s oil refining. Not limited corporate crises, but large companies that preside over essential industrial crossroads.

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