It was Marcello Minenna. Portrait of the Napoleonic Grillino, expelled from Customs

It was Marcello Minenna.  Portrait of the Napoleonic Grillino, expelled from Customs


Plush like a carpet, elastic like Yury Chechi. He used an Audi, seized from drug traffickers, with 570 horsepower. The last true pentastellato survived in the ganglia of the state and not reconfirmed by the ungrateful government. When does another one like this happen again?

We cannot and do not want to hide our affectionate emotion at the departure of Marcello Minenna, director of theCustoms agencythe last real Grillino survived in the ganglia of the state and yesterday not reconfirmed by the new ungrateful government, the only contemporary who has always reminded us of Napoleon and who induced us, every time we happened to hear about him, to humbly recite the 5 May: “Of that securo the lightning kept up with the flash”.

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