Irpef reform, how much can you save in taxes? Up to 206 euros for incomes below 28 thousand euros

Irpef reform, how much can you save in taxes?  Up to 206 euros for incomes below 28 thousand euros


Leo: We will expand the first echelon

From four to three personal income tax rates. This is the first step of the tax reform by Meloni, after the enabling law was approved by the Council of Ministers and which should take effect on January 1, 2024 (with effect on the 2025 tax returns). On how salaries will really change, it is not yet possible to give certain numbers, because the other fundamental element that participates in the calculation of the tax is missing: that is, the deductions for work, whose new formulations (compared to those defined by the Draghi government in 2022) and their applications have not yet been defined. From the CGIL stage, Prime Minister Meloni underlined the desire to immediately give a signal to workers with lower wages. To explain how the Deputy Minister of the Economy, Maurizio Leo, thought about it a few days later, who during an interview with SkyTg24 spoke of expand the bracket of the first rate to 23%, which currently reaches up to 15,000 euros in income from work. Leo, however, said he was cautious: we’ll see where the bar stops, he concluded. Be that as it may, the resources for this reform can only come from the announced “pruning” of tax expenditures, i.e. the approximately 600 subsidies that reduce state revenue each year (but it seems those linked to the family, health and home will be saved ).
With these due premises, let’s try to see what the timetable for this reform is and let’s also try to make some hypotheses on how salaries could change.


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