Investment funds, the revenge of installment plans and the return of those made in Italy

Investment funds, the revenge of installment plans and the return of those made in Italy


The figures

Up and down. In a difficult year. With the work of the consultants, the revival of Italian law funds and the spread of installment investment (pac) are among the interesting trends to put on the plate. But let’s start with the data. For Italian asset management, assets decreased by 9%, from 2,485 billion at the end of March 2022 to 2,255 billion at the end of March 2023. With net inflows, in the same period, negative for 4.9 billion euros. Going better by taking the calendar year 2022 as a reference: again on the basis of Assogestioni data, in the 12 months the Italian asset management industry as a whole (funds, Sicavs, asset management, insurance management, pension products) recorded a positive deposits of 14.8 billion euro, largely (10.9 billion) in the first quarter of last year.


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