Intesa invests 155 million in incentive salary: bonus increased by 12%

Intesa invests 155 million in incentive salary: bonus increased by 12%


For the workers of the Intesa Sanpaolo group comes the increase on the performance bonus. After the agreement on flexibility, smart working and short weeks, the bank has in fact reached a new agreement with the unions on the bonus with which it will bet 155 million euros on the incentive salary. The amount recognized to workers will range from a minimum of 1,020 euros, with an increase of over 25% compared to 2022, up to a maximum basic amount of 2,750 euros. To these amounts must then be added the “additional rewards”, i.e. a variable bonus that is defined on the basis of the results achieved.

The resources that the bank will allocate to the variable performance bonus, the so-called Bonus Pool, rise to 130 million euros, with a 12% increase compared to last year. To these are added a further 25 million euros that come from the experimental incorporation into the reward system of the Set, a previous incentive, which had not been subject to negotiation so far. In total, the threshold of 155 million euros is thus reached.

In the system of the bonus shared by the company and the trade unions, the structure is confirmed which envisages a basic bonus differentiated by professional figure and various levels of “additional bonuses”, a system which stands out for its attempt to make the mechanism of calculation of the results achieved, making the data on the basis of which the delivery thresholds are determined more intelligible and verifiable.


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